Curriculum & Values
Learning from play
Most of our curricula is based on themes of interest we note in the children’s play. We refer to this as Emergent Curriculum and teachers, children, and often parents will collaborate to extend the interest into a guided topic study, following the children’s lead.
Some curriculum emerges spontaneously from play and a teacher guides an activity or a learning quest at the moment of discovery.
building routine
We use routine times in our school day (mealtime, small group, circle and choice times) to reinforce traditional early childhood concept learning.
We offer opportunities for gardening, sand, water and sensory play, gross motor physical play, block building, free art, age appropriate writing and journaling, language and literacy, art exploration, number sense/ classifying/sorting activities, along with dramatic art and pretend play in all of our classrooms.
Guiding learning
Our low teacher-child ratios and nurturing play-based routine is the most effective way to help children develop crucial thinking skills for future academic and social success.
Teachers use reflective practice techniques along with parental insight to make plans for each child. We assess the children on an informal and formal basis, rethinking expectations in an ongoing, reflective way. Our curriculum model views teachers and parents as guides (not directors) of the learning process
Our Core Values
Respecting and Recognizing Each Individual: B’tzelem Elokim- we are all created in God’s image.
Mutual respect, honesty and personal responsibility are key elements as we work to build a community of learners.
Constructivist Approach: Masa-Journey, Reflection, return and renewal; KEdushah- Intentionality and presence
Attention to each child acknowledges the uniqueness and developmental level of that individual; building upon strengths to progress to the next stage of maturation.
Interdisciplinary Learning b’Tzelem elokim-we are all created in god’s image
Learning focuses on the whole child: social, emotional, physical, sensory and academic development are of equal importance. We strive to provide learning through the multiple modalities, capitalizing on each child’s uniqueness. Indoor and outdoor exploration is equally important.
Parent Teacher Partnership and reflection: Drash- interpretation & inquiry, dialouge & transmission; Kedushah-Intentionality and Presence
Shared adult attention and expertise on each individual child; supporting growth within and outside our community. L’dor v’dor -passing of both tradition and knowledge from generation to generation.
Ongoing Growth and assessment:hit’orerut- awakening, amazement, and gratitude; Drash-interpretation & inquiry, dialogue & transmission
The process of observation and documentation is ongoing, designed to recognize individual growth and change. Portfolios, photos and parent teacher conference records documenting development are integral to our process of assessment.
Community Building and Family Style Learning: B’rit-Covenant, belonging & commitment
Building a community of learners, who share strengths, accept support, and communicate ideas without competition is a primary focus. Our developmental groupings encourage mentoring, modeling and caregiving between older and younger children; fostering independence and empathy; and allows siblings and different age friends to attend the program and grow together.