Frequently Asked Questions
for prospective families:
Outdoor Shabbat on Friday mornings!
How much is JUDAISM a part of the curriculum?
Our Judaism is woven into our every day work with the children. We learn together about respect for one another and for the earth where we live. Our core values are woven around Jewish tenets and observances and we seek to bring authenticity to our Jewishness every day by remembering these values. We observe and explore holidays in a relevant meaningful way throughout the school year. Our weekly observance of Shabbat on Fridays is a special time at our preschool. Mid-morning, the whole learning community of YBYCC experiences the joy of Shabbat together, where we sing and celebrate with our staff Jewish Educators. Modern reform Judaism is an inclusive welcoming institution.
Do we have to be jewish to attend YBYCC?
Not at all. All students are welcome at YBYCC and many of our current families do not identify as Jewish. Most choose us because they want a values-based education, which is built into everything at we do at our school. About 50% of our families are Jewish-affiliated.
At YBYCC, we embrace cultural diversity in many ways and never dismiss children sharing stories or ideas from home. That said, we do not as a school community participate in the celebration of Christmas, St. Valentine’s Day, St. Patrick’s Day, or Easter.
WHAT is the cost to attend YBY?
Monthly fees for enrollment are based on number of days/week and length of day. There are a variety of options. 4 or 5 Days per week, 7:30 am-5:00 pm. A few discounts are also available (direct pay and sibling discount). Please contact us to receive an enrollment packet with a breakdown of fees.
are meals or snacks provided?
Parents provide the lunch meal for their children. A morning and afternoon snack, including crackers, vegetables, string cheese, yogurt, and challah on Shabbat are provided daily and are covered with the monthly fees.
are diapers and wipes provided?
YBYCC provides hypoallergenic, non-chlorine, quality diapers, and wipes. You are welcome to opt out and bring your own cloth diapers should you choose. We will not clean them but will put them aside for you to pick up at the end of the school day. When your child is learning to use the toilet, families will need to provide pull-ups for school use if they choose to go that route during the learning phase.
is it true you help with potty-training
Teachers will work with families when the child is showing signs of readiness to learn to use the toilet. Before your child begins the process of toilet learning at school, speak to your child’s teachers to discuss readiness and the developmental milestones necessary for successful learning. Together, parents and staff will develop a mutual plan of action. We have small toilets in two of our classrooms to help facilitate the process.
Our low teacher-child ratios are 1:5 for infants, 1:6 for toddlers, and 1:8 for the preschoolers. We aim to maintain low class ratios so that our relationship work with children is forefront in our teaching.
Are you closed on Jewish holidays?
Yes. We are a year-round full-time program at YBYCC. To provide teachers and families time to schedule vacations and holiday celebrations, closure dates are judiciously selected. YBYCC closure dates align with Tempe and Kyrene school district holiday schedules whenever possible. During school closures there is no child care available. A calendar will be provided to families at the beginning of the school year with anticipated closures. We typically close for one week in the summer during the week of July 4th holiday, two weeks in December near the secular New Year holiday and a handful of other Jewish and federal holidays throughout the year.
My child is advanced (verbally, physically, etc.) and I think they should be in an older classroom.
Teachers use reflective practice techniques regularly along with parent expertise to make plans for each child. We continually assess the children on an informal and formal basis, rethinking expectations in an ongoing way. We will find the best fit for your child and typically that involves keeping them with their same-age peer group. Should a change be needed, we can address it as it arises.
DO you require the COVID vaccine for young children?
Yes, full vaccination against COVID is required for everyone at YBYCC, including all staff members and all enrolled children over 6 months in age. All children attending Yad B’Yad are required to receive the vaccine in order to be part of our school.
Have additional questions? Please contact us today to schedule a tour or to speak to our staff.